Vito owned by Pam Robinson

Vito is owned by Pam Robinson.

Call name: Vito
Reg #: DK08663/2017 KlM
Color: Br/Wh
Height: 21.25" / 54 cm
Length: 22" / 56 cm
Weight: 50 lbs
NA 103 Prize II age 12 months
N-4 S-3 W-4 P-4 T-4 D-3 C-4
PennHIP: 0.41/0.36

Vito is an imported male from Denmark.  Pam traveled to Copenhagen to pick Vito up in July and she spent a couple of days with Ellen Greve, Vito's breeder.  Ellen took Pam on a tour of Copenhagen and to a DMK Hunt test.  Vito is our first import from Denmark.  Both his sire and dam have won numerous hunting competitions in Denmark. Vito has a lot of drive with a natural desire to retrieve.  He is very cooperative and he loves to work.  He is a closer working dog with a very good nose and staunch point.


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